First Year Student Orientation
Welcome to University of Bridgeport!
The entire UB community is looking forward to having you join our dynamic campus of activists, artists, athletes, clinicians, scholars, scientists, and writers. This guide will help you to understand what to expect during orientation and how to prepare for your visit.
Move In Dates
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Pay your deposit
In order to participate in Summer Orientation, we must receive your $200 tuition deposit, health forms, and final official High School and/or College Transcript(s) before the day of the event.
English/math placement
All new undergraduate students will be placed into English courses based on SAT scores. Additionally, students will be placed into an entry-level, modular math course. Transfer students may be exempt. First year students have the option to request a placement test if they wish to try to waive these courses. Placement tests are available online.
Health requirements
Students not providing proof of heath requirements will not be able to register for classes or reside in any of our residence halls. For more information, please contact Student Health Services at 203-576-4712, or 4zeo6mu8r6ytsd5ulakell0vx7i.ad3m3ats6rsh8ru8j4moyk8omapsgp65edz8wbggz31v0od7dwvofieuzxr92k4sdb8vaola@502i5ds21ash7eklgi7caeayrliyflmewv5btp3gro9hl17e4wa6qestxbfykhvf2pgahtjy9limlb699peai91rifehzubsh. The Health Examination Form must be filled out by your doctor.
Connecticut State Law and University of Bridgeport require proof of the following:
- Tuberculosis Risk Assessment/TB Test: All students must have a Tuberculosis Risk Assessment or a TB test within six months of admission to the University.
- Measles, mumps, and rubella: Two vaccines are required after age one. This pertains to all students born after December 31, 1957.
- Meningitis: All students living in residence halls within the past 5 years.
- Varicella (Chicken Pox): Two vaccines or documented history of disease. Students born in the United States before 1980 are exempt.
Moving in? Don’t forget to review this list!
When you pull up to your residence hall, members of the Residential Life staff and Campus Security will be there to greet you and direct you to the unloading zone. You may have to wait a few moments to get to the curb, so please be patient—we know you can’t wait to get into the hall! Unload your vehicle at the curb in the designated area. We ask that once your vehicle is unloaded it is moved to a proper parking location. Parking lots are located within a short distance from each residence hall. Please DO NOT leave your vehicle unattended in the unloading zone.
Start the check-in process in the main lobby of your residence hall — be sure to bring your UB ID or a photo ID! We’ll verify your status to move into the hall and have you fill out some important paperwork. While you’re getting your room key, family and friends can begin bringing items into the main lobby. Once you have your room key and are officially checked into the hall, you’re all set to move into the room.
Don’t forget to attend your first floor meeting!
Students living on campus must be 100% compliant with Health Services regarding all immunizations required to attend the university and live within the residence halls. Pursuant to Connecticut State General Statute 10a-155b, all students residing in a college residence hall MUST be vaccinated for meningitis. Please contact Health Services if you are unsure if you meet these requirements PRIOR to arriving to campus. Should you fail to meet this requirement you may be denied housing and/or be asked to vacate the residence halls until such status is maintained. Review these requirements here.
Additionally, University of Bridgeport’s Health Insurance Policy is mandatory for full-time undergraduates, international students, students enrolled in the Physician Assistant program, and residential students. Students are automatically enrolled in the health insurance plan provided by the University and are billed on their student account. If a domestic student can show proof of comparable private health insurance, the University insurance may be waived by submitting a waiver form by the due date.
At University of Bridgeport, we take the safety of our students very seriously. In fact, the University has received the prestigious Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Award for adopting technology and other initiatives to safeguard our students 24 hours a day. The University offers a combination of services that include a public safety force managed by Securitas Security Services USA, escort services, and twenty-four-hour monitored access to all residence halls.
This year, we have expanded on the use of our technology adopting a phone application called LiveSafe which can be used by students, faculty and staff. LiveSafe is available for Android and iPhone devices and allows the user to send tips and messages to campus security, share their location with friends or family, find buildings on campus and access emergency services and preparedness information. The information is easy to obtain directly from your handheld device by scrolling through the information tabs provided and opening the tab to reach security while on campus or 911/police when off-campus. Other information that is available is a SafeWalk feature where you can have a family member or friend follow you on the application to ensure their safe arrival to the destination of their choice. If you are looking for a specific building on campus, the LiveSafe application can give walking or driving directions from wherever you are to the university destination address you choose. LiveSafe will also allow University of Bridgeport to send out messages to groups or the university at large for emergencies, weather or any information that may be deemed important to the university populous.”
UB was named the safest campus in Connecticut by ADT, a home-security company. ADT based the rankings on fire and crime statistics by the FBI and U.S. Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education.
As the University is not responsible for theft or damage to student property, we strongly urge you to obtain homeowner’s or renter’s insurance. We encourage you to obtain coverage prior to arriving to campus. You should speak with your current insurance provider or visit Worth Ave. Group for more information on low-cost insurance options.
Order your bed linens and other room supplies online through our residence hall linens program to have them waiting for you on move-in day! Save money and the hassle! Visit for more information.
The Center for Career Development is equipped with the tools to assist you in achieving your professional goals. Career Development is ready to help you with assessing your interests, skills and values, choosing a major and exploring careers, identifying goals and developing a plan, resume and cover letter building, job and internship search, interview preparation, graduate school research/applications, and on-campus recruitment. Stop by the Center for Career Development located on the ground floor of the Wahlstrom Library (right next to the Registrar), or call 203-576-4466 to make an appointment with a Career Advisor. Looking for a job or internship? Check out our online system, UBjobnet, which has hundreds of opportunities for you! Access UBjobnet through the “Quick Links” box on the right side of your UBportal home page.
Students bringing a vehicle to campus MUST register it with Campus Security once you arrive to campus. Please be sure to visit them once you get to campus and officially register your vehicle with them. You will need to provide proof of registration and insurance to receive a parking decal from them.