First Year Student Orientation

Welcome to University of Bridgeport!

The entire UB community is looking forward to having you join our dynamic campus of activists, artists, athletes, clinicians, scholars, scientists, and writers. This guide will help you to understand what to expect during orientation and how to prepare for your visit.

Move In Dates

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Pay your deposit

In order to participate in Summer Orientation, we must receive your $200 tuition deposit, health forms, and final official High School and/or College Transcript(s) before the day of the event.

Submit Your Deposit

English/math placement

All new undergraduate students will be placed into English courses based on SAT scores. Additionally, students will be placed into an entry-level, modular math course. Transfer students may be exempt. First year students have the option to request a placement test if they wish to try to waive these courses. Placement tests are available online.

Health requirements

Students not providing proof of heath requirements will not be able to register for classes or reside in any of our residence halls. For more information, please contact Student Health Services at 203-576-4712, or 4zeo6mu8r6ytsd5ulakell0vx7i.ad3m3ats6rsh8ru8j4moyk8omapsgp65edz8wbggz31v0od7dwvofieuzxr92k4sdb8vaola@502i5ds21ash7eklgi7caeayrliyflmewv5btp3gro9hl17e4wa6qestxbfykhvf2pgahtjy9limlb699peai91rifehzubsh. The Health Examination Form must be filled out by your doctor.

Connecticut State Law and University of Bridgeport require proof of the following:

  • Tuberculosis Risk Assessment/TB Test: All students must have a Tuberculosis Risk Assessment or a TB test within six months of admission to the University.
  • Measles, mumps, and rubella: Two vaccines are required after age one. This pertains to all students born after December 31, 1957.
  • Meningitis: All students living in residence halls within the past 5 years.
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox): Two vaccines or documented history of disease. Students born in the United States before 1980 are exempt.

Moving in? Don’t forget to review this list!